At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself, talking to the moon. Tonight is a very special night for me, and it's Kojagiri Pournima (Sharad Pournima as some might say). Ever since a child, year after year, we celebrate this day by sitting in the night flooded with the light of the full moon, drinking milk. Since moon is supposed to be closest to the earth on this day, the moon rays are said to have curative properties. The vessel containing the sweet is prepared and left in the moonlight to be consumed later. According to Ayurveda, the `pitta' or acidity aggravates at the end of the monsoon season. This is the reason why cooling foods are recommended to neutralise the pitta and balance it. The consumption of cold milk and rice flakes is supposed to be a good remedy for pitta. Coming back , I remember my mother would make me sit by the window,...
I'm sure you've heard of this game. Well if not, let me tell you. A person tells you three things about himself. One of them is a lie and other two are true. You guess the lie, and thats it. I think our entire life can be categorised as two truths and a lie. We can guess the lie, but we also have 4 options, either believe its the truth or believe its a lie, even efter knowing the lie we can keep pretending it's the truth, and even if we know it's the truth, we say its a lie because we trust our instincts. Haven't we all lied at some point ? Hell, I've lied just to stay back home because I was too lazy to go to school. Everybody lies. Everybody tells the truth, according to their convenience, or probably it's the truth. How do we know which one is which? Many promise to stay in touch and never stay. Many promise you the world but never try their best. Many people lie.Maybe its the tru...