At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself, talking to the moon. Tonight is a very special night for me, and it's Kojagiri Pournima (Sharad Pournima as some might say). Ever since a child, year after year, we celebrate this day by sitting in the night flooded with the light of the full moon, drinking milk. Since moon is supposed to be closest to the earth on this day, the moon rays are said to have curative properties. The vessel containing the sweet is prepared and left in the moonlight to be consumed later. According to Ayurveda, the `pitta' or acidity aggravates at the end of the monsoon season. This is the reason why cooling foods are recommended to neutralise the pitta and balance it. The consumption of cold milk and rice flakes is supposed to be a good remedy for pitta. Coming back , I remember my mother would make me sit by the window,...
As the title suggests, let's do some closet cleaning in the given quarantine time! If your closet is organised, obviously its easier to find stuff. That's Basic right ? But what if I told you some of the wadrobe cleaning steps which will keep it much organised than the previous scenario, where everything was a mess ? How you organize your closet will differ slightly based on the space you have, the size of your wardrobe, and the kind of life you lead. However, these five steps can be applied to any closet and any wardrobe : 1. Spring Clean your Wadrobe. You'll be surprised at how many pieces of clothes you've not worn for years. With the start of a new season, now is the time to donate or sell - you could even make some money on your spring clean. If you own a tiny wardrobe (like me !) you a...