It's hard to believe that we're already 4 months away from 2021 ! I know it's not yet over, but this year, 2020, has taught me all the things which do not require an entire year to be taught.So without being a little judgemental of this year, I've tried to learn. Learn what's still good, and what will help me in the future.
1. Health. PERIOD.
Can you believe it? ME? and health? I'm the least observant person when it comes to health. I always try to balance what I eat but I don't give it too much of a thought. That's why it doesn't show on my body. But that doesn't mean I take care of my health, well, consciously. This pandemic has surely taught me to take right decisions about my health in a more consious way, only after I made all the wrong choices. I even exercised, but only after I quit due to my laziness and anxiety did I knew that it was important. When I was hustling and struggling to make it to college on time before the pandemic, did I even stop to think have I even eaten clean? Have I taken care of my health? Have I even exercised in a month? No. The anwer is No. During the lectures there's a lot of time to think of all the wrong choices I made in my life, but that's a different story altogether.
2. Never take ANYTHING for Granted.
I'm pretty sure that this is the one thing everybody learnt this during this pandemic and many people like me also realised that life's too short. So many things pass through our lives and we are just unable to appreciate them the way they should have been appreciated. Like simply going out for a cuppa tea, or meeting someone special. Let me tell you that there will always be a difference between a video call and meeting in person. ALWAYS.Nothing should be taken granted.NOTHING. Not even a hug from your most beloved person. Earlier we even took our family for granted. But god, those who have a family and loved ones close during the Covid-virus are truly blessed.Also, I'm not the most outgoing person but sure do I miss going outta my my house.
3. Your worth isn't measured by productivity.
I really don't know what it is, maybe it's due to societal pressure or the values embedded in you early on in your life or whatever, but we're always trained to think that if you're productive, your value increases. This is total BS. Corona has literally shown the entire humanity (I think) the importance of taking a break. I'm not saying hustling is not good or productivity sucks and lets just chill our entire life. All I'm saying is productivity does not decide your worth. And if you're hustling relentlessly, day in and day out and you are not content with what you are doing, is that productivity even worth it?
4. Let go.
It's okay to let go. Be it anything. It’s okay to let people go too. Not all relationships are meant to stick with us for the entirety of our lives, it’s true what they say that relationships can be with us for a reason or a season. Know that it’s completely okay if relationships end. It’s okay if people don’t like or understand you. Don’t take criticisms personally and know that people view life through their own unique, personal lens. Let go of things which do not make you feel happy and peaceful. I'm lucky to learn this quite early in life, and I'm grateful for it. If you don't protect your peace, who will?
Ahhh Time ! As it comes and as it goes. Nobody can turn time back, and all we are left are with memories with a tinge of regret. In the end the biggest regret becomes we should have done what we loved sooner. We should have TRIED when the time was right. Sometimes we forget to do what we love or try to avoid it because of fear.What's the point if we forget that we're mortal and don't invest our life in something which is worthwhile to us ?
I know these are trying times and this pandemic has increased many issues, and I'm incredibly blessed to have a roof over my head and food to eat, but since we have gotten some renewed time, can't we just spend it on ourselves, do what we hold close to our heart and remain calm during all this?
Well, these are the most important lessons I've learnt this year. I've learnt from my mistakes and I've become stronger. I hope these remaining 4 months of this year enlighten you and help you become healthier and happier. Until then, Peace.❤
Personally I like 2019 more, obviously.
What are some of your favrorite things which you learnt in 2020 ?
I hope you have all the happiness in the world. 💓
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